Open House
Dear R-B Families
We believe it is critical for teachers and students to have an ability to meet one another face to face. Digital meetings allow us to see one another’s faces but does little to help us build relationships with one another.
We feel that it is important, even if it is brief, to allow students and parents to meet one another.
On the next pages you will find information regarding our Open House event for this Wednesday and Thursday evening. We have broken it down to specific groups and time slots to ensure we are maintaining all appropriate social distancing protocols. We ask that families who wish to attend stay within the designed groups and bring only one parent for each student.
When entering, please park in the designated area for your specific group. You will then be able to enter the stadium and walk around the track finding the teachers you wish to speak to.
We will also have the Booster Club on site as well as the Link Crew. We understand this may not be the Open House we all would have wanted, but we are excited to see you.
Mike Baird
In order to remain within guidelines we are requesting that the community adheres to a
strict one parent per student policy. We appreciate your understanding. Please read the
information below regarding specific time slots and entrance for each family.
Wednesday September 2, 2020
Last Name (A-F) 6:00-6:50
● Enter RB off Route 31 and park in the student parking lot. Enter the track by the
concession stand.
Last Name (G-L) 7:00-7:50
● Enter RB off Tryon Grove Road and park in the staff parking lot in front of the
Gymnasium. Enter the track through the gate at the North End.
Thursday September 3, 2020
Last Name (M-R) 6:00-6:50
● Enter RB off Route 31 and park in the student parking lot. Enter the track through the
gate by the concession stand.
Last Name (S-Z) 7:00-7:50
● Enter RB off Tryon Grove Road and park in the staff parking lot in front of the
Gymnasium. Enter the track through the gate at the North End.
RB Staff Locations
1. Electives
2. English
3. PE
4. Science
5. Foreign Language
6. Social Studies
7. Math
8. Special Education
9. Student Services
A-F 153
G-L 165
M-R 150
S-Z. 116